Number of contracts: Z046/2021

Contractor: Regionálne centrum Sloboda zvierat Piešťany, so sídlom Priemyselná 12a, Piešťany, Company ID: 35628685 , Address: P. O. Box D-111 Priemyselná 12a 921 01 P i e š ť a n y

Name of the organization Orderers: Obec Bojničky, Company ID: 00312274, Address: Bojničky 90

Name of contract: ZMLUVA o odchyte zvierat a ich umiestnení v Regionálnom centre Slobody zvierat Piešťany

Subject of the contract: Odchyt zvierat

Price: ---- €

Responsible person who entered into the contract: Ing. Igor Bojnanský
Functionally responsible persons: starosta obce

Effective Date: 30.04.2021

Date of: 31.05.2037


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